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Y5 Earth and Space topic teaching ideas and tips

Looking for some Y5 Earth and Space lesson plans and teaching tips?

Then look no further as these tips can enhance your topic either on their own or as a great supplement to our year five spaceman workshop.


Space topic starter questions

  1. What was the space race in the 1960s?

  2. Why do scientists want to learn about space?

  3. How many' questions e.g. how many stars, how many planets, how many moons etc

Earth space activity ideas

  1. Make a moon buggy or rocket from recycled materials

  2. Design a space alien, either by drawing, collage or model (provokes really good discussion about the search for alien life)

  3. Make a model of the solar system using eitehr small balls of various sizes, clay, papier mache or even fruit!  Make sure they are coloured correctly to represent the proper planet!

y5 Earth and Space investigation ideas

  1. Make a pretend planet's surface with a 3cm layer of flour in a baking dish with sieved cocoa powder on top.  Then drop different small rocks into it and watch the craters magically appear!  Which items, speed, and height creat the biggest and smallest craters?

  2. Draw the path of a shadow over the course of the day.  What does this tell you about the path of the earth in relation to the sun?

  3. Make a sundial with pencil stuck up on a piece of card on modelling clay to track time across the course of the day, marking every hour.  Use it again the next day as a clock! (NOTE: it must be left in the same position, ideally outside or on a south facing window sill).

"A perfect alternative to a school trip with more learning and less hassle to organise!" Kay, 5 teacher, Bolton

Primary school science workshops for key stage one and key stage two in the North West including Manchester, Salford, Bolton, Bury, Tameside, Trafford, Oldham, Liverpool, Lancashire, Stockport and Cheadle

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