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Primary Science

Workshops in Lancashire

We offer all these brilliant school science workshops in the Lancashire area as a great alternative to an out-of-school school science trip, all with excellent activities and fantastic resources!

Choose your Lancashire primary science workshop!

Year 3 rocks and fossils workshop


Rocks & fossils

View rare wow fossils on the big screen and test your skills with some fossil hunting!

Key stage 2 rockets forces primary science workshop


KS2 Rocket Challenge

learn all about forces in a fantastic rocket competition complete with medals and a trophy!

year 4 sound primary science workshop



Listen to a real 1898 Thomas Edison phonograph and make your own music!

key stage 2 earth and space primary science workshop


Rockets to Rovers

Join us on a journey throught time as we launch rockets and control a moon rover!

Key stage 1 and key stage 2 inventions science workshop

KS1 & KS2

Incredible Inventions

Choose from 8 different world-changing inventions to explore and use!

year 3 light primary science workshop



Take Victorian photos and make light paintings as you learn about the science and history of light!

year 1 and year 2 materials primary science workshop



Discover the vital materials required to make either a 3 little pigs house or a space base!

key stage 1 and key stage 2 primary science workshop

KS1 & KS2

A Spaceman in your school

Learn about a high quality replica of an Apollo 11 moon landing spacesuit signed by Buzz Aldrin!

Year 6 Evolution and Inheritance science workshop


Evolution and Inheritance

Find out how humans and every other living thing has changed over time!

year 4 and year 6 electricity primary science workshop



Learn how electricty works before making your own circuits on our custom circuit boards!

year 3 and year 5 forces primary science workshop



Fire rockets, make planes, power a train and make rocket cars!

primary school workshops for science history and sport

KS1 & KS2

Other workshops

Find out about all our other workshops for science, history and even sport!

"A perfect alternative to a school trip with more learning and less hassle to organise!" Kay, 5 teacher, Bolton

Primary school science workshops for key stage one and key stage two in the North West including Manchester, Salford, Bolton, Bury, Tameside, Trafford, Oldham, Liverpool, Lancashire, Stockport and Cheadle

Website design and images copyright Balestra Education Ltd 2020

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